Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Solar Eclipse: July 22, 2009

The Solar Eclipse of July 22, 2009 5:45-7:46AM as seen from Tainimai, Bandipur.

Standing on the hill in the pale dawn, we were diappointed by clouds. But in the distance, far to the North East the peak of Dhaulagiri shone clearly; the sun was rising. The rays extended skyward as gaps in the cloud cover, opened by nearby mountains, allowed a shimmering glimpse and shortly the landscape was visible. But the light was soft and indistinct, the light of an overcast day. By 5:30 the sun was up and the rays beamed earthward through the golden disc was reduced to a misty glow. In a short fifteen minutes the land began to dim; the moon had begun to block the sun. In 45 minutes it was again almost dark and at 6:42AM the sun was nearly gone, and through the now thinning cloud cover I could make out a sliver of sun, round and glowing, two unattached points straining to complete the ring from behind the dark moon. Within minutes the light once again emerged, slowly a large arc, then a half, then the full circle and daylight appeared again and with it blue skies. The eclipsed sun re-emerged. No cataclysm that I was witness to, just an extraordinary cosmic display.

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